The words from our clients speak volumes to us. We love our clients and couldn't do what we do without them! Thank you for your continued support, trusting us with your dog and allowing others to feel secure in picking Vigilant K9 for their dog training.

"I adopted Phoenix (Doberman pincher) and he was already trained, so Deb had to train me! Phoenix is my emotional support animal as I have PTSD and high anxiety. Deb explains training and techniques in a very simple but thorough way. I have know Deb for about two years now and I still continue to learn. Deb is good at handling reactive dogs. I know from experience. Phoenix and I were attacked by a larger dog and after that Phoenix was dog reactive. Deb has been working with us and we are making progress. Deb can be firm when needed but yet gentle"
"Deb is one of the most knowledgeable dog trainers I have met. I tried 2 other trainers before her and both told me my pitbull was not trainable due to he is dog reactive to the extent of being aggressive. Deb tailored my training to fit my dogs needs. Now he is an amazing boy as he learned to pay attention to me and not everything else. Thank you Deb for giving me the ability to enjoy my dog like I wanted too. If you think she is not worth it due to pricing your wasting your money in other places. Her knowledge and ability to handle dogs is incredible. My boy took right to her."
"I've had a Presa Canario trained by Deb for 3 years now. She has always been a well trained and obedient dog. She blended in to my family with ease. I had two other small dogs (Female & Male) when she joined the family. She is so docile and well trained that she has NEVER shown any aggression to my other dogs. Presa's are wonderful family and protection dogs!!! I would definitely consider if the need ever arises at getting another Presa. Wonderful dogs and Deb does an awesome job in training!!!"

Contact Us to Start Training
vigilantk9@gmail.com | Tel: 505-358-1665