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Meet Deb Vigil

Deb Vigil has been training dogs for over 25 years. She has put over 100 titles (and counting!) from the sports of Obedience, Agility, Weight Pull & Protection on her Presa Canarios, Belgian Malinois, Pit Bulls & Staff Bulls.

Her accomplishments include French Ring titles, PSA titles, Iron Dog titles, Schutzhund titles, APA titles, UPF titles, UKC titles and more. 

Canine Career

Deb is no stranger to the world of competition. At age eight, she started competing with horses in Hunter Jumpers and Cross Country. Soon after, she won her first trophy in dog sports at the age of 13, handling in the ring that she helped train. ​Deb considers one of her greatest successes to be her Presa Canario, "Anabis de Vigilant", who she showed in French Ring "NARA". Anabis finished his Brevet title at two years of age. Then at age four, Anabis completed his Iron Dog Titles while competing at the 2014 Iron Dog Nationals -- being the 1st Presa Canario to receive this title at such a young age. He was the only canine to have 95% of their titles. Anabis also received his PSA PDC at the age of 2.5 years. He is still competing to be the most titled Protection Presa in history.


During the 2021 season, Deb competed with her female Malinois “D’Thena”. D'Thena started competing at the age of 16 months & finalized the year going to PSA Nationals for Level 1. D’Thena achieved her NADF EL and Level 1, her AmSchH BT, Mondio Brevet, PSA PDC and Level 1 as well as her WDA FO & PD1. These are amazing achievements for such a young, well-balanced female.

After years of competition success with her own dogs, Deb now shares her training philosophies and techniques with others. She teaches Competition Obedience & Protection seminars at clubs or dog training facilities across the U.S. She is a Deputy DLE in detection work.


Meet Clint Morton

Clint has been decoying for over 12 years. He started his decoy career with Dallas K9 in Dallas, Texas. He has decoyed for law enforcement and K9 Sports. Clint is a certified decoy for IronDog, APPDA, APA, and NADF.

Our goal is to "Start off on the Right Paw." We want to help assist you in creating the companion, sport dog or service dog of your dreams. To get a feel of what we can achieve together, check out our client testimonials. We truly appreciate our clients.

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